Hi friends!! It has been a while since I wrote on my blog. I never intended on taking an unplanned break but in the end it was much needed. The beginning of the year started off a bit rough for me as I worked to navigate some issues that was affecting my personal life. I realized that I had two choice – either I stay sad and wallow in it or accept the situation for what is it, learn from it and move one. I went with the latter and it was truly the best thing that I could do. Once I let that go, so many great opportunities started coming my way!!
One of the things I focused my energy on was growing my business and find ways to work with brands I love. At the beginning of the year, I wrote in my planner that I wanted to go on a brand trip. Little did I know that I would have get an email later in the month inviting me to my very first one!! I am so excited because I am heading to Nashville with a brand that I hold dear to me. I can’t wait to share with you all who I am going with and why we are there!!
I leave next Tuesday and will be in Nashville for a few days. As I am packing, I wanted to share with you all ideas on what you can use to pack for any of your upcoming trips. Make sure you’re following me on Instagram. I’ll be sharing lots once I am there, so you can follow along!
Do you have any trips coming up? Anything you help packing for? Let me know in the comments below!
Thank you for stopping by!